Frequent questions
Is AetherSX2 free?
Yes, AetherSX2 is totally free and doesn't include in-app purchases. If you want to support the developer, you can do so on its official Patreon.
Which games are compatible with AetherSX2?
AetherSX2 is compatible with more than 500 games. You can see a complete list on its Wiki.
Where can I get games for AetherSX2?
The easiest way to get games for AetherSX2 is to use your own games, which is a simple process that only takes a few minutes. On the Internet, you can find lots of guides on how to get PS2 ISOs.
Where can I download the BIOS for AetherSX2?
Ideally, you shouldn't download the BIOS, but rather load it directly from your own Playstation 2 console. There are plenty of guides online with tips on how to get the PS2 BIOS.
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